

SoPost employed a diverse array of internal tools for crafting sampling campaigns, incorporating both third-party applications and in-house developed solutions.

Their objective was to streamline these processes by unifying them within a singular application, accessible to self-service customers.

My Role

As a Senior Product Designer at SoPost, I led the design efforts for their digital products, collaborating with cross-functional teams to create user-centric solutions. I conducted user research, crafted wireframes and high-fidelity mockups, and implemented design systems for consistency. Emphasising usability and accessibility, I iterated quickly, delivering visually compelling and user-friendly products that contributed to the company's success and growth.

Campaign Manager Analysis

Unfortunately, a previous attempt to amalgamate tools had proven inadequate, as users expressed dissatisfaction with several pain points, such as lengthy campaign creation, the inability to duplicate content, and an overall subpar user experience.

As a result, a consensus was reached within the team that the existing solution was unsuitable for self-service and that a new approach was required.

Discovering The Users

The new approach entailed an extensive user feedback process, involving direct engagement with users to gather their insights and sentiments regarding the platform.

Additionally, internal account managers were consulted to identify their primary pain points and challenges. Through careful observation, the team closely examined the process of campaign creation, seeking to understand the practical issues users encountered.Input from sales colleagues was solicited to gain valuable information about client demands and expectations.

Championing The Users

The information collected during user interviews, workshop sessions and consultations formed the basis for user groups and personas, which where carefully crafted to meet the wide variety of user needs depending on what their goal is.

Establishing Structure And Hierarchy

Leveraging the existing framework as a foundation and integrating the valuable insights gathered from user and client engagement, the team proceeded to develop wireframes for the application architecture.


These wireframes served as visual representations of the application's layout, structure, and functionality by combining the current elements with the newly acquired information.



The subsequent step in the design process involved conducting ideation workshops to generate creative ideas and solutions. The team actively engaged in brainstorming sessions to explore various concepts and possibilities. These ideation workshops served as a collaborative platform, allowing diverse perspectives to contribute to the design vision.

sopost campaign manager sketch
sopost campaign manager sketch
sopost campaign manager sketch
sopost campaign manager sketch

Prototyping And Testing

During prototyping, the various functionalities, transitions, and interactions that users will encounter while navigating the application are represented and tested.

Users were asked to complete various tasks which were designed to represent a wide range of user goals and insights that were gathered were used for providing direction on iterations and/or validation.

Design System

At this stage, the team introduces the concept of a design system and implements it throughout the design process.

The decision to adopt a design system is driven by several key reasons:
• Consistency
• Efficiency
• Scalability
• Usability and Accessibility
• Brand Identity
• Collaboration

By having scalable and reusable components as part of the design system, the application benefits from a unified and user-friendly interface, promoting a seamless and engaging user experience.

sopost campaign manager design system composition
sopost campaign manager design system elements
sopost campaign manager design system elements
sopost campaign manager design system elements
sopost campaign manager page


The Integrations feature enables users to seamlessly connect with third-party reviewing platforms.

This integration empowers users to syndicate their reviews, harnessing the power of external platforms to amplify their brand reputation and reach a wider audience.


The Products feature is a comprehensive and powerful tool that allows users to manage their product catalogue efficiently within the application.

It encompasses a range of functionalities, enabling users to view, create, and organise products, including single products, products with multiple variants, and bundles.

The seamless integration of this feature ensures that users can easily incorporate their products into activations and journeys, providing a holistic and dynamic approach to campaign creation.

sopost campaign manager page
sopost campaign manager page


The implementation of the Journeys feature marks a significant milestone in the application's development. Users can now access a comprehensive overview of all journeys within a campaign, which includes vital information such as status, language, country of activation, and validation details. This streamlined presentation enhances users' ability to monitor and manage campaign progress effectively.

sopost campaign manager design system elements


The Campaign Builder feature represents a pivotal aspect of the application, granting users full control and creative freedom in shaping their journeys. With this feature, users can effortlessly design and customise each aspect of their campaigns, including branded pages, emails, and feedback forms. The Campaign Builder empowers users to craft captivating and cohesive experiences that align seamlessly with their brand identity and marketing objectives.

sopost campaign manager builder


The development of a campaign management product that was adaptable to various users’ and business needs that could be prototyped, tested and developed more efficiently. Once released, users fed back that it was a much improved experience.